International Moment of Laughter Day is certainly a day to put a smile on your face! Today is a day to laugh loudly and laugh often. Watch a funny movie, read an amusing book, or just be silly with your friends. It is not the cause of the laughter that matters, but the effect. The objective of this day is to get people to laugh, and to laugh more often. After all, “laughter is the best medicine”.

Researchers have begun examining positive feelings and how they impact your health and aging. Results from a scientific study from the University of Maryland Medical Center show that laughter may give a jolt to circulation and have positive effects on the heart. In addition, laughter may increase the body’s production of nitric oxide, a chemical that helps dilate blood vessels. All of these positive impacts on your health are reason enough to laugh not just today, but everyday! So go ahead and be silly and laugh at your own jokes. And don’t forget that laughter is contagious!

To celebrate this special day, simply tell jokes or do funny things that cause people to laugh. A smile is not a good enough reaction. Successful participation in this day results in whole-hearted laughter – a belly full.

Origin of “Moment of Laughter Day”:
Humorologist Izzy Gesell created Moment of Laughter Day to encourage people to laugh.

So go ahead make someone’s day!