Oliver Jeffers is an artist, designer, illustrator and writer from Northern Ireland. He graduated from the University of Ulster with a degree in Visual Communication. He is best known for making beautiful picture books for children and he has just published ‘The Heart and the Bottle’. His stories are always simple but endearing and this one is no different. When a little girl’s father dies, she is so consumed by grief she takes out her heart and puts it in a bottle. She wears it around her neck to keep it safe, and there it stays until she grows up and meets someone who knows how to take it back out again.

Read the Irish Independent’s Review here.

His picture books for children are published by HarperCollins UK and Penguin USA. ‘How to Catch a Star’ debuted in 2004 to critical acclaim, and ‘Lost and Found’ (2005), won the Nestlé Smarties Book Prize Gold Medal 2006, the Blue Peter Book Award 2006 and was shortlisted for the Kate Greenaway Medal the same year. ‘The Incredible Book Eating Boy’ (2007) won the Irish Book Awards Children’s Book of the Year, and his fourth Book ‘The Way Back Home’ was released in September 2007 and ‘The Great Paper Caper’ was publlished in September 2008.

“Lost and Found” became Oliver’s first book to made into animation by London based Studio AKA, screening on Christmas Eve 2008 on Channel 4. It tells the story of a little boy who comes across a relentless penguin looking for companionship.

Read a great interview with Oliver in the Guardian.

Loving your work, Oliver.