From the highs of Blue October to the lows of Ellie Goulding. I have to say this is one of the most disappointing gigs I have attended in a long time. It was actually her first time headlining so perhaps it was nerves but I have a sneaking suspicion that it wasn’t. Even the support band, Planet Parade, was better and you don’t often get to say that about attending a gig. The band hail from Clane in Co. Kildare and made me think of Arctic Monkeys.

Ellie played an extremely short set and was finished before 10pm. That wouldn’t have mattered if it was a good set but instead a lot of the songs are throwaway and samey. Also her fanbase is too full of obnoxious ugg wearing D4 teenage girls judging by last night so maybe I am just not her target audience. Her album ‘Lights’ was just released at the beginning of this month and expectations were very high with all the hype surrounding Ellie having won both the BBC’s Sound of 2010 and the Critics Choice at the BRITS. After last nights performance I’m not sure why she won – Marina has far better songs and is a far better performer and am sure there were others more deserving on the list. Ellie has a sweet voice but lacks stage presence. There is no magic – something is distinctly lacking. Maybe it’s a case of too much, too soon. I did like ‘Under the Sheets’ and ‘Starry Night’ and think she should have stuck to beating her own drum or stick to collaborations. But like Little Boots and Adele before her, high expectations and winning accolades is not necessarily a good thing -the proof is in the pudding as they say. I think it might be a case of in 2011 we’ll all be like Ellie who? Ellie does not live up to the hype and I for one will be giving this album a miss.